Mantle Features

Introducing Mantle, the ultimate cosmetic system for Minecraft that adds a new dimension of excitement to your gaming experience. With us, you'll embark on thrilling challenges to earn valuable gems and unlock a treasure trove of cosmetics chests. Immerse yourself in the world of Mantle, where fun challenges, engaging rewards, and limitless customization await at every turn.

  1. Free Cosmetics
  2. Character Customization
  3. Player rewards
  4. Challenges
  5. Rare Chests

Cosmetics For All

Enter the world of Mantle, where every Minecraft player, regardless of wallet size, can find a range of cosmetics to suit their unique style. Mantle's commitment to providing a wide selection ensures that everyone can express their individuality through personalized character customization. Mantle empowers you to leave your distinctive mark on the Minecraft canvas.

Craft Your Perfect Look

From trendy attire to eye-catching accessories, Mantle offers an extensive selection of options, enabling you to bring your vision to life. Whether you're aiming for a sleek, contemporary style or dreaming of a whimsical, fantasy-inspired look, Mantle provides the freedom to be the artist of your character's identity. Your character is your masterpiece, and Mantle is the palette that brings your vision to life.

Free Cosmetics

Cosmetics for All

Enter the world of Mantle, where every Minecraft player, regardless of wallet size, can find a range of cosmetics to suit their unique style. Mantle's commitment to providing a wide selection ensures that everyone can express their individuality through personalized character customization. Mantle empowers you to leave your distinctive mark on the Minecraft canvas.


Craft Your Perfect Look

From trendy attire to eye-catching accessories, Mantle offers an extensive selection of options, enabling you to bring your vision to life. Whether you're aiming for a sleek, contemporary style or dreaming of a whimsical, fantasy-inspired look, Mantle provides the freedom to be the artist of your character's identity. Your character is your masterpiece, and Mantle is the palette that brings your vision to life.


Play to win. No limits.

Mantle is built on the core principle that every player should have equal access to the world of cosmetics. We're proud to offer Mantle as a free-to-play system, ensuring that no one is left behind. With Mantle, your progress and success are determined solely by your gaming skills and dedication, not your wallet. Enjoy the freedom to play, customize, and explore without any paywalls or restrictions.


Epic Adventures

Prepare for epic adventures like never before. Mantle introduces a series of thrilling challenges that will push your skills to the limit. As you conquer these quests, you'll be rewarded with gems, the currency that unlocks an entire world of cosmetic possibilities. These adventures will challenge your abilities. Mantle is not just about looking good; it's about conquering new horizons and embarking on epic journeys.


Unbox Epic Stuff

The thrill of discovery awaits as you unbox epic chests with Mantle. Each chest holds the promise of varying rarity and captivating in-game items. The excitement of opening these chests and the contents within are sure to leave you awestruck. Mantle adds an element of surprise and delight to your Minecraft experience, making every unboxing an adventure in itself. Unbox epic stuff and enhance your in-game journey with Mantle.

2 star icons

Claim your first free cape & chest!

Epic challenges. Amazing cosmetics, for free.

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*mantle has no in-app purchases